The Truth The Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth So Help Us God!!!!!
At the moment of Conception, The Greatest Intelligent and Creative Force there ever was, or will be, is unleashed inside the womb. It grows at the rate of millions of cells per hour creating a vast network in order to distribute this Same Creative and Intelligent Force, constantly and continuously throughout one's lifetime.
Over 400 Million Nerve tracks are created to allow for the Expression of Life and it's Incredible Intelligence from Above->Down and Inside->Out. Interestingly enough, less than 10% of these nerve tracks are responsible for FEELING, sensing pain and/or pleasure. Over 90% of these tracks are responsible for FUNCTION, The Expression of this Intelligent and Creative Force through the matter that makes up your body.
Ridiculously enough, we have a Health Care Delivery System(More accurately a Death and Damage Management System) that Focuses 90% of it's resources and attention on 10% of the Body's Intelligence. It's no surprise We have a population that swallows more drugs than any other nation and statistically possesses the most expensive way to achieve the poorest results in regards to our population's overall ability to FUNCTION.
Chiropractic Care has one simple Objective, to Restore and Unite the Connection of the Creative Intelligence that made you in the first place to The Matter that makes up your body and ALL of it's parts! 90-100% of our Focus should be placed on this Restoration. This will cause the body to begin the process of Functioning Properly which, over time and with repetition carries the risk of you feeling better but by no means is the objective.
It took 9 months for the Greatest Creative Force to make you and that was working 24/7. If we've spent our entire lives focusing on 10% of our overall capacity, we most likely have experienced less than half of our inborn potential. Pain Management and Therapy centers are typically really expensive ways to cater to 10% of your problems while Billing 100% of Your Insurance Benefits, ending in the person involved still being at half of their inborn potential and the provider being at twice their net worth.
The fact is, whether you've had surgery before, not had surgery before, had a good experience, had a bad experience, have Insurance, don't have Insurance, eat vegetables, eat garbage, exercise, don't exercise, do yoga, don't do yoga, there is NO Replacement or Alternative for being under Regular Chiropractic Care. While there are MANY Professions that manage, or in most cases, mismanage your ability to sense pain, There is only ONE Profession that can Detect and Assist in the Correction of Interference to The Intelligent and Creative Force that made you in the first place. That would be a Chiropractor. Finding one that understand this may be difficult. The Most Valuable things on earth are hard to find, a Chiropractor that Practices Chiropractic is no exception. I'm always happy to assist you in the process, it's NOT about me, it's about YOU. It's NOT about my benefit, it's about YOURS.
If your family spends more time on how they function as opposed to how they feel you'll experience 100% of your Inborn Potential. Chiropractic Care should start at birth and end at death. As Always, Your Choice...