Dr. Dean's Recipes for LIFE!

Treat The Creation or Connect to THE Creator???

Posted: May 20, 2013
By: Dr Dean Sottile

In Chiropractic, Our main concern is always restoration. Our main concern is rarely your main concern. Your main concern tends to be all of the things that happen as a result of being disconnected. 
The only difference between the bodies of the living and those of the dead is the presence of LIFE. All other parts are identical. LIFE comes from THE Creator. All too often we seek to "treat" The Creation or the effects that are manifested in a Creation that's been constantly and continuously disconnected from THE Creator. The Potential of the Intelligence of THE Creator to change the expression of The Creation is unlimited. 
In the human body, THE Creator expresses LIFE as activity that resides in your brain and travels from there throughout your system from Above Down and Inside Out. In order to achieve this, The Lines of Communication must be clear. When Clear, The Potential for Optimal Results in LIFE can be carried forward. 
When distorted or Interfered with, The expression of the Creation becomes distorted and unclear. The longer we remain distorted and unclear, the further we drift from the Course and Potential of THE Creator. 
Chiropractors are highly trained in detecting interference between THE Creator and the creation. The Specific Chiropractic Adjustment Restores The Connection between THE Creator and the creation. With a constant and continuous Connection, we will be constantly and continuously expressing as close to 100% of our Inborn Potential as is possible. The Potential for you to clearly express the LIFE of The Creator is unhindered and fully released. You begin to have a system that communicates without distortion or interference. You begin to function as a Creation should. With some time and repetition you become a rebuilt and fully connected Creation. Everything from your thoughts to your physiological capacity to function moves closer and closer to the Creator's ideal plan for the creation.
All too often we get caught up in the creation and it's millions of expressions. We attempt to analyze and diagnose and give millions of names to expressions that result from distorted and unclear connections between the creation and THE Creative Force of LIFE. Once we've achieved a name, we attempt to manipulate the expression of the creation to better suit our idea of the creation. That is similar to attempting to play the role of Creator. It tends to keep people highly disconnected, continuously unclear and incredibly medicated. Instead of Thriving the creation is merely surviving. This sucks...
The duty of The Chiropractor is to locate and remove interference between THE Creator and the creation RESTORING the Intelligence that comes from THE Creator to the creation. When we are clear and connected, THE Creator is in full command of the creation. We express our Potential to Thrive. We ARE Created to live that way. As we remain more connected and clear, we move further and further away from the path of the unclear, distorted and disconnected creation. Getting back on the path to constant connection takes time. How much time depends a lot on how long and how fast you've been moving away from it. When should we start being clear and connected??? How long should we remain Clear and Connected??? As always, Your Choice... Treat the creation or Connect to THE Creator...