Dr. Dean's Recipes for LIFE!

4 Guys and a Smoky Room

Posted: May 31, 2013
By: Dr Dean Sottile

4 Guys are in a smoky room, 3 of them are coughing, one of them is not. There are a couple different ways to view this scenario. Using a Therapeutic Model, most people would see 3 Guys that need some kind of "Treatment" and 1 that is "Fine". It might appear that 3 Guys are weak and 1 is really strong. Most likely there would be 3 that needed some medication to "help" with their cough and 1 that was 'OK".
A Chiropractor would see 3 Guys that are Adapting Properly to their environment and 1 that is Definitely Not! 3 that are perfectly normal and 1 that is definitely disconnected. Possibly, based on the scenario given, there would be more people that would tend to agree that coughing in this situation would probably be, not only beneficial, but normal as well. 
There is an Inborn Intelligence in all living things with a constant and continuous job. The Job of your God given, Innate Intelligence is to help the organism it belongs to adapt properly to it's environment for the BENEFIT of the organism. It's job is to protect you, NOT to harm you. The same Intelligence that produces this cough in a smoky room also produces the cough when somebody isn't in a smoky room. The same Intelligence that produces a cough when a child has a "Cold" or an "Allergy" or for any other reason. The Innate Intelligence given to us By God and FOR us knows much more than any of us ever could about the current status of the Organism it inhabits. 
Do the 3 Guys coughing in the smoke filled room need a cough suppressant? If you have any sense, the answer is no. Is there a difference in the way that Intelligence produces a cough in a smoky room as opposed to a cough that's produced when we're not in a smoky room? Is that Intelligence any less Intelligent when you have a "Cold"??? Is it smart to introduce a Cough Suppressant in this case??? With any kind of understanding of The Innate Intelligence we're born with we might begin to make incredibly positive changes in our lives and in the lives of our babies and children. 
Not every symptom is a problem and not every perceived "problem" requires "Treatment". There are more times that your body's symptoms are for your own good than not. Suppress the small symptoms and inconveniences for a lifetime and end up with a Big Disease in the long run. This world has taken normal, natural reactions of our Innate Intelligence and given them names creating conditions. The next time you or your kids are coughing, think of 3 Guys and a smoky room. Suppressing the requests of your Inborn Intelligence is never the right thing to do... Chiropractors have one job, Locating and, when necessary, Removing Interference to the full Expression of Your Innate Intelligence. As Always, those who have ears to hear, let them hear...