Dr. Dean's Recipes for LIFE!

The Maker or The Matter???

Posted: June 4, 2013
By: Dr Dean Sottile

Your Body is made of a bunch of Matter. It's been created by The Maker. A dead body has all the same Matter but the Maker's Magic is Missing. When The Divine Spark of LIFE is able to Express itself through Matter it is truly a Miracle what happens. We're pretty much made up of some Vitamins, Minerals and water. Put all those ingredients in a blender and you get nothing but Mush. When The Intelligence that comes from The Maker Organizes and Orchestrates those Minerals and Matter what happens is truly a Miracle. Chiropractors have discovered that The Intelligence that comes from The Maker can be Interfered with due to what we call a Subluxation. Subluxations are essentially some level of disconnect between The Maker and The Matter. The Object of The Chiropractor should always be to Locate and assist in the reconnection of this disconnect thereby Restoring The Intelligence of The Maker to be expressed fully through The Matter. When The Maker and The Matter are connected, Miracles are what comes next. If you were to focus endlessly on what is happening to The Matter would it even matter? Why do Drs spend endless amounts of time looking at The Matter and absolutely no time determining whether or not The Matter is connected to The Maker? How long should we seek to be Connected to The Maker? Once we're connected to The Maker, that Intelligence knows exactly what to do. When should our Connection to The Maker begin? The Only Dr Specifically trained to Restore The Connection between Your Maker and Your Matter is The Chiropractor. When the Connection between Maker and Matter is Restored, Expect a Miracle! If someone is busier focusing on the Minerals and The Matter, you're not there yet, Keep Looking. Live from Miracle to Miracle or live from Mess to Mess??? As always, Your Choice... If you're tired of all the disconnects in your life, Seek The Maker, it's really all that matters...